[ใหม่] Discount Sale Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat and Base

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  • Discount Sale Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat and Base  รูปที่ 1

Product Features
  • The easiest infant car seat to install
  • No.1 rated infant car seat in America
  • 5-point harness adjusts with one hand
  • Full body inserts for newborns 4-11 pounds to protect smaller babies
  • Seat interior lined with EPS energy absorbing foam for increased impact protection

The Chicco KeyFit 30 Infant Seat and Base provides your infant with a safe way to travel in comfort and style. The practical design of the KeyFit system includes a five-point safety harness and reliable LATCH anchor, making it incredibly easy to use.

OBaby Apollo Twin, OBaby Monty Travel, Phil & Teds Classic, Hauck Citi 3-Wheeler, Haba Toys, Cosatto Swift Lite, Quinny Buzz 3, Zynergi 3Tec, Maxi-Cosi Elea, SPORTER 3 in 1, BRAND NEW PEG, Cosatto You2 Polka, wheels_4_babies, Cosatto You 2, Phil & Teds Smart, Obaby Zezu Pramette, Fellhof Lambskin, Phil & Teds Vibe, Micralite SupaLite, Bebecar Seat Unit, Obaby Atlas Plus, My Child Chip Pushchair, wheels_4_babies, Britax Click and Go, wheels_4_babies , Hauck Apollo 4, Graco Mosaic Pushchair, wheels_4_babies, Graco Vivo Pushchair, wheels_4_babies, Disney Winnie the Pooh , 2 IN 1 BABY BIKE, Hauck Condor All In One, Tippitoes Reflect Twin, Maxi-Cosi Loola, Petite Star Zukoo, Britax B-Dual, Cosatto Yo Stroller

Quick, Easy Installation
With car seats, correct installation is a critical component of providing your infant with a safe ride. The Chicco KeyFit 30 System features a spring-assisted level foot, bubble levels and center-pull LATCH adjustment make safe and secure installation quick and easy.


Secure, Safe
The system is designed with energy-absorbing foam that provides impact protection, while a thickly cushioned seat pad and five-point harness ensure that your infant is comfortably secured. This system includes a removable newborn insert to ensure a proper fit for smaller babies, and it is rated safe for children up to 30 pounds. Removable seat padding and a removable head support let you further customize the fit for your child.


About Chicco
Chicco has been committed to providing simple and safe products for children all over the world since 1958. By providing products specific to each phase of growth and development, Chicco is committed to helping children grow up in the best possible way.

Phil Teds Vibe, Out n About Single, Petite Star Zukoo, Graco Stadium Duo, wheels_4_babies, Obaby Atlas Stroller, Graco Stadium Duo, Chicco Winter London, Britax B-Smart 3, X-Adventure Trekker, OBaby ZeZu Pramette, Aston 3 in 1 , wheels_4_babies, Cosatto You 2, Chicco Trio Living, Cortina Sheepskin , Kaiser Stroller Sheepskin, Obaby Atlas V2, wheels_4_babies, Aston 3 in 1, Cosatto Yo Stroller, OBaby Atlas V2, wheels_4_babies, Tippitoes Eze Pushchair, OBaby Atlas V2, OBaby Triple, Phil & Teds Vibe, Aston 3 in 1, Britax SECOND SEAT , wheels_4_babies, OBaby Atlas Scribble, Petite Star Extreme, Pram - Stroller,, wheels_4_babies, Hauck Duett Tandem, Cosatto Swift Lite , Britax B-Smart 3

Product Description
The Chicco KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat is the premier infant carrier for safety, comfort, and convenience. With its removable newborn insert, the KeyFit 30 Car Seat will accommodate your baby from four to thirty pounds. The KeyFit 30’s thickly cushioned seat includes a five-point safety harness and is lined with energy-absorbing foam for increased safety and comfort. The KeyFit 30 Base’s spring-assisted level foot, two precision bubble levels, and “Center-Pull” LATCH adjustment guarantee quick and correct installment from either side of your vehicle and give you confidence that your child is safely secured in your vehicle.
Please ignore the reviewer who rated the seat one star due to the rebound issue. I am a certified child passenger safety technician and this is NOT a safety concern. Almost all rear facing seats will rebound in a crash. The only ones that won't are infant seats with rigid LATCH (the only one currently available in the US is the Baby Trend Latch-Loc with rigid LATCH) or one with an anti-rebound bar like the Britax Companion and convertible seats that tether rear facing (all Britax convertible seats, Sunshine Kids Radian, etc). As long as your seat moves less than an inch in any direction AT THE BELT PATH (i.e. on an infant seat with a base, right at the seat crack where the other poster said it was tight) it is safe. The Chicco KeyFit is a very good seat. It is without a doubt one of the best on the market currently. It installs like a dream and fits small babies very well. As a tech of seven years, I would not hesitate to recommend this seat or use it for my own child.
wheels_4_babies, NEW PRAM 3 IN 1, Britax B-Smart 3, Phil and Teds Vibe, BRAND NEW MAMAKIDDIES, Hauck Citi CI-12, Graco Quattro Tour , Quicksmart Back Pack, Obaby Tour 3 Wheeler, Petite Star Kurvi4, Bambini Cinque Rosso, Chicco Simplicity Stroller, Britax B-Agile Single, Quicksmart Easy Fold, Maxi-Cosi , Hauck Viper 3-Wheeler, Twingo Pushchair 3 In 1, Quinny Buzz 3, Kaiser Stroller Sheepskin , Chicco Special Edition, Petite Star Zia, Phil & Teds Classic, Safety 1st Duodeal, Sheepy Footmuff/Stroller, wheels_4_babies, Hauck Apollo 4, Cosatto Yo Stroller, Maxi-Cosi Mila, wheels_4_babies, Cosatto Swift Lite Pretti, Fisher-Price Character, Obaby Zynergi Condor, Graco Mirage Plus, Osann Stroller Iron, Britax B-Lite Pushchair
My husband and I originally purchased this on the recommendation of a friend. We liked the way it looked and it had pretty good reviews. We knew it was for safety, but I was attracted to the style and extended use (due to it lasting up to 30 lbs). Now our baby is 6 months old and on her second Chicco Keyfit 30 car seat.

We were in an accident when she was 5 months old and rolled our SUV one and a half times, landing upside down. She stayed put - she started crying but there wasn't a scratch on her, thank God. As a precaution we took her by ambulance to Dell Children's Hospital, but she checked out OK with all of the doctors there. They told us to keep doing what we had been doing, and that the car seat not only saved her life, but saved her from minor/serious injury. Our doctor also told us that having your child in an infant seat as long as possible is the best way to keep them safe.

We went onto Amazon the next day and ordered the exact same car seat (you have to replace ANY car seat after an accident). Here's a pros/cons list from our use so far:


- Hot, low air-flow fabric (we live in Austin and she does sweat in it during the summer)
- Size makes it sit higher in grocery cart "seat" section than other car seats
- Ummm, I can't really think of another con :)
Cosatto You 2 Twin, wheels_4_babies, Dolls Pram Windsor, wheels-4-babies presents:, Graco Stadium Duo, Maxi-Cosi Elea, Baby Jogger Compact, Quicksmart Easy Fold, Jusonne faux leather, Britax B-Smart 3, wheels_4_babies, wheels_4_babies BLACK-RED, Chicco Echo Stroller, Graco Mirage Travel, Jusonne faux leather, Aston 3 in 1 Travel System, Disney Retro Minnie, wheels_4_babies presents, wheels_4_babiesCITY, Chicco Echo Stroller, Hauck Rio Disney, Quinny Speedi SX, Zynergi 3Tec, Obaby Atlas Sport, X-Adventure, Britax B-Mobile, Baby Jogger Compact, Petite Star Kurvi3, Bambini Quattro, Apollo Plus Twin, Graco Mosaic Sport, Bambini Quattro Verde, wheels_4_babies , OBaby Atlas Tiny Tatty

- Stays locked right-side-up and up-side-down in accidents
- Lasts up to 30 lbs instead of 25 lbs like other seats
- Totally washable (she's projectile vomited in it *and the keyfit stroller* 3 times, and I've machine washed every bit of it)
- The base makes it easy to take in and out of your car without unstrapping the baby (my in-laws LOVED this feature)
- Stays put with either the seat locks or a seat belt securing it (the base was secured with a seat belt in the accident)
- Level on base and instructions on base make installation easy (you don't even have to refer to the manual)
- Ability to lock into the stroller makes shopping trips easier
Maclaren Techno XT, Obaby Circles Stroller, Graco Mosaic Pushchair, Hauck Apollo 11, wheels_4_babies, OBaby Apollo Twin, Maxi-Cosi Mila, Hauck Citi CI-12 , Kaiser Stroller Sheepskin, Britax B-Smart 3, Maxi-Cosi Mila, Hauck Rio Stroller , wheels-4-babies, X-Adventure Crossover , OBaby Apollo Twin, Red Kite Push Me, Skip Hope Double, OBaby ZeZu, New Twins / Double Pram, Kaiser Stroller Sheepskin, 2IN1 BABY BIKE , Baby Jogger City, wheels_4_babies, Aston 3 in 1 , Kaiser Stroller Sheepskin, Obaby Atlas Sport Stroller, wheels-4-babies presents, Quicksmart Easy Fold, wheels_4_babies, Britax B-Smart 4, Britax B-Smart 3-Wheel , Britax B-Smart 4, Britax B-Dual Pushchair, Graco Quattro Tour, Petite Star Zia 4, wheels_4_babies